2009-08-23 - Matthew Henson Trail


7+ miles @ ~ 10.7 min/mi

Ken Swab is standing by his sporty new Mazda Miata convertible when I arrive at Dewey Park about 0735. I admire it and tease him about it. Then we head north from Rock Creek Trail milepost 8 to 9, swoop back to the junction with the Matthew Henson Trail, and trot along it following Turkey Branch upstream. Ken turns back at milepost 11 on the MHT but I insist on doing the extra ~0.05 mile to touch my toe to the asphalt of Georgia Avenue. I have to race back to catch up with Ken, a sprint that gives me a 9:22 mile in the midst of our seven. Back at the start Ken insists on an extra mile. We continue southward to the faded half-mile line painted on the pavement, then return. Craig Roodenburg beeps at us as he pulls into Dewey Park to commence his run. I lend Ken $5 to buy bagels as we both head for Goldberg's on our way home.

^z - 2009-08-31